Co-Guard Safety & Quality Management, Consultancy and Training

Are you looking for support in integrating safety and quality management, setting up a training programme or improving skills and performance in your organisation?

In fast changing environments and within high-risk industries, organisations need to constantly adapt and modify in order to meet market demands. We believe that your people are the key to improved safety and performance which eventually lead to better company results.

We offer full training programs; set up and integration of safety management systems, hazard identification, pro-active decision making and effective team work. These are developed by building on existing assets, expertise and skills within your organisation. By understanding your business, we aim to sustain your fundamental framework, addressing and, where possible, simplifying processes.

Conflict can arise from increased efficiency demands from the industry while complying with increasingly more legal- and  safety requirements. We support you by translating regulation and demands into meaningful processes and activities in your organisation. We assist in sustaining a balance between operational continuation and safety regulations. Therefore bringing the people in the business and the business needs in line with each other, forming continuous improvement, a sustainable system and a coherence for the future.

Training and safety solutions for industry, where people and business are understood.

Services & Training


Our services include advice, consultancy and support in the field of Human Performance, Safety, Business Development and related topics.

Upon receipt of your initial enquiry, we contact you within three days to further discuss your needs. Upon agreement we create an individual offer for you to meet your needs and wishes which includes goals and time frame. (more…)


What Our Customers Think

‘… I had many trainings in the past and the CVE training in January 2016 was the most interactive and best I ever had. The most important were the examples provided. The first two days with Pieter was a great insight into the CVE role and the last day with Margriet tingled my each and every braincell regarding the process…

This workhop was an enjoyable and interesting way to learn there is much more to  ‘Human Error’ than we initially thought. Particularly on safety culture, we gained some valuable knowledge and insights.

… Her training approach fits personal values of respect, innovation and leadership.   At the same time, the content fits our overall objectives of safe operations and well-being. Especially, selected examples and related discussions, created an opportunity to view our own operation and performance in an open and more constructive way.  I would certainly recommend her Trainer for Trainer course to others.

Taking care of our technicians and new recruits is what I care most about each day. This training supports us in doing just that, as it has helped us to understand what SMS really is about: our people, their training, skills and well-being.

Interested in a training or event?